New Wave Forestry | Forest Management and Consulting

We develop and maintain your woodlot, so you don’t have to.

New Wave Forestry practices low-impact forestry to groom and develop lands, thus reducing your environmental footprint. Woodlots that lay empty and unattended or ignored can cost you your investment for now and for the future. But, this is avoidable with a specially designed management plan that has been tailored to your goals and objectives.

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Benefits & Sustainability

It’s all about Long-Term Benefits

Our forestry business is committed to providing clean and accessible trails that are well-maintained and easy to navigate.

We understand that a well-maintained trail system is essential for both recreational users and for our business operations. That's why we practice low-impact forestry, using smaller machines to reduce our environmental impact and preserve the integrity of the forest.

We take pride in maintaining our trails to ensure that they remain accessible and safe for all who use them. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that our trails are well-maintained, and we continually invest in new technologies and methods to improve our trail systems. We believe that providing well-maintained trails benefits both the community and our business, as it encourages more people to explore the forest and enjoy the benefits of outdoor recreation.

Whether you're a hiker, runner, or logger, our trails are available for you to enjoy.

At New Wave Forestry, we are dedicated to promoting healthy and improved woodlots.

We believe that a healthy woodlot is essential for the long-term sustainability of our industry, as well as for the environment as a whole. That's why we practice sustainable forestry methods, including selective cutting and reforestation, to ensure the long-term health of our woodlots.

Our team of experts works closely with landowners to develop customized management plans that focus on improving the health and productivity of their woodlots. We use the latest scientific research and technology to improve the growth and productivity of trees, while also preserving the natural habitat and biodiversity of the forest.

Our commitment to healthy woodlots ensures that our customers receive high-quality wood products that meet their needs, while also preserving the natural beauty and ecological health of the forest. Whether you're a landowner or a customer, we're committed to promoting healthy and improved woodlots that benefit everyone.

At New Wave Forestry, we are dedicated to promoting wildlife habitats through sustainable forestry practices.

We understand that healthy and diverse ecosystems are essential for the long-term health and vitality of the forest. That's why we have developed customized management plans that focus on promoting wildlife habitats. We use selective cutting and other sustainable forestry practices to create diverse forest habitats that support a wide range of wildlife species.

Our team of experts works to preserve and enhance natural habitats, such as wetlands and riparian zones, which are important for many species of wildlife. We also promote the planting of native vegetation to provide food and shelter for wildlife.

By promoting healthy wildlife habitats, we are not only benefiting the environment, but we are also improving the quality of our forest products. Our customers can be confident that our wood products are sustainably sourced and support a healthy and diverse ecosystem.

We are committed to sustainable and well-managed forestry practices.

Our forestry operations are designed to ensure that we preserve the natural integrity and biodiversity of the forest while also providing high-quality wood products for our customers. We practice sustainable forestry methods, including selective cutting and reforestation, to ensure the long-term health of our woodlots.

Our team of experts works closely with landowners to develop customized management plans that focus on improving the health and productivity of their woodlots. We use the latest technology to improve the growth and productivity of trees while also minimizing our impact on the environment.

We also ensure that all of our wood products are sourced from well-managed forests that meet strict environmental standards. By promoting sustainable and well-managed forestry practices, we are not only benefiting the environment, but we are also supporting the long-term sustainability of our industry.

At New Wave Forestry, we are committed to providing benefits for generations to come.

We understand that the decisions we make today will have a profound impact on the future of our industry and the environment. That's why we practice sustainable forestry methods, including selective cutting and reforestation, to ensure the long-term health of our woodlots. By promoting sustainable practices, we are preserving the natural integrity and biodiversity of the forest, ensuring that future generations will have access to the same resources and benefits that we enjoy today.

Our commitment to sustainable forestry also ensures that our wood products are of the highest quality, meeting the needs of our customers without compromising the long-term health of the forest. By working closely with landowners, we are able to develop customized management plans that promote the long-term health and productivity of their woodlots.

Through our commitment to sustainable forestry practices, we are providing benefits for generations to come, ensuring that our industry and the environment remain healthy and vibrant for years to come.

Diversified Forestry

Protect Your Investment & Reduce Your Carbon Footprint



Manual Weeding

Pre-Commercial Thinning

Crop Tree Release

Crop Tree Pruning


Selection Management

Horse Logging

Tree Removal

Boundary Line Renewal

Your Legacy Matters

Maintained for generations to come


At New Wave Forestry, we understand that your legacy matters.

Our sustainable forestry practices are designed to ensure that your land remains healthy and productive for generations to come. By promoting sustainable practices, we are preserving the natural integrity and biodiversity of the forest, ensuring that your legacy as a responsible landowner continues long into the future.

Our commitment to sustainable forestry also ensures that your land remains a valuable asset, providing both economic and ecological benefits to your family and community for years to come.

Tailored to your needs

Use our expertise to develop and maintain a healthy and improved woodlot

A Site Survey
is conducted using Google satellite images, walking of the lot and a birds-eye-view with the use of a drone.
A Site Plan
is created based on our recommendations and your expectations for the lot.
Receive Detailed Maps & Reports
describing what the lot will look like when it is completed.